other/another/the other/others用法大全,一篇學會不定代名詞用法

  • others another
  • 不定代名詞
other/another/the other/others用法大全,一篇學會不定代名詞用法

我們使用英文時,經常使用「代名詞」來替代先前提過的名詞。代名詞有許多類別,包括學員比較熟悉的人稱代名詞(I, you, he, she, me, him, her等等)、反身代名詞(myself, yourself, himself, herself等等)、所有格代名詞(mine, yours, his, hers等等),以及one、ones、another、other、others、the other、the others這幾個學員經常搞混的不定代名詞。在本篇學習文章中,我們將討論這些字詞的意義與差異。如果你正在準備多益文法,相信對你會很有幫助

One / ones: 同個類別裡的「某」一個或一些。


1. My car is too old. I'm getting a new one soon.
2. I broke some plates in the kitchen, so I will need to buy some new ones.


注意 one / ones與it / them 的差異:

3a. Sam wants to buy a house in Taipei, but he can't afford one (one = a house in Taipei).
3b. Ed wants to buy the apartment next to the MRT station, but he can't afford it (it = the apartment next to the MRT station).


4a. Amy's glasses are broken. She plans to get new ones (ones = glasses) tonight.
4b. Bob's glasses are broken. He plans to get them (them = Bob's glasses) fixed tonight.


Another: 同個類別裡的「另外」或「再」一個,表示「單數」。


1. This bus is too crowded. There is another bus in five minutes.
2. Buy two shirts and you get another completely free.


Other / others: 同個類別裡的「另外」一些,經常用於「比較」。



1. Dublin is very expensive compared to other major cities in Europe.
2. Some employees are happy, but others are not.


The other / the others: 同類事物裡的「另一個」或「剩下其它」。

The other 當「形容詞時」,後面可以接單數或複數名詞。


1. Here's one sock, but where's the other one?
2. Jim and Sue are here, but I can't find the other kids.


The other 當「代名詞」時,指「兩個人或事物裡的另一個」



3. Dan has two favorite sports. One is basketball. The other is tennis.
4. The trail splits in two here. One part stays along the river and the other goes to a lookout point.


The others只能當代名詞



5. One of Lisa's children is in high school. The others are in college.
6. I've received two of the five books I ordered, but the others haven't arrived yet.




  1. Brenda, your cookies are so delicious. Can I have ________?
    (A) one
    (B) other
    (C) another
    (D) the other

  2. Some people like living in big cities, but ________ prefer living in the countryside.
    (A) other
    (B) others
    (C) another
    (D) the other

  3. Sandra is much brighter than all ________ students in her class.
    (A) other
    (B) others
    (C) the other
    (D) the others

  4. I have a few books on Japanese food. You can borrow ________ if you want.
    (A) one
    (B) ones
    (C) others
    (D) another



  1. 根據語意,說話者已經吃了Brenda烤的餅乾,還想再吃,所以選(C)。(A)錯誤:說話者已經吃了餅乾,還想再吃,所以不可選。如果題目改成Brenda, your cookies look so delicious …,那麼說話者就可以說Can I have one? (因為他(她)還未吃到)。

  2. 根據語意,有些人喜歡住大城市,不過有些「其他人」喜歡住鄉下,所以選(B)。(A)錯誤:other是形容詞,後面需接名詞。

  3. 根據語意,Sandra比她班上所有其他學生更聰明,所以選(C)。(A)錯誤:題目句把全班學生分成兩組(Sandra vs. 所有其他學生)。Other只表示「某些」其他人,與句義不符。

  4. 根據語意,說話者可以借書給聽話者,而且聽話者尚未借過書,所以選(A)。(B)錯誤:如果要表達複數概念,需說some。



本篇學習文章說明one、ones、another、other、others、the other、the others這幾個學員經常搞混的不定代名詞。如果學員想完整地學習英文文法,我們推薦巨匠美語的文法課程。巨匠與專業的文法老師合作,將文法結合聽說讀寫等課堂遊戲,讓你用有趣的方式,有效率地學習英文文法。